It's that time again... the 10th day of the month, when we take 10 photos for 10 consecutive hours. It's always fun. Today, I was working, so my photos may not be exactly right, time-wise, but I still had fun. I hope you enjoy them. 
Missy says "Good Morning!"
Trucks full of potatoes waiting for us!
Hubby is bringing the car around...
An old photo of my brother, sister and I!
So, I am house-sitting for a couple in our church... These two plants looked lovely just two days ago, and now they are all shriveled up and sad looking! :( I think I killed their plants!
Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ice Cream!!
For more great bloggers who are also doing the 10 On 10 photos, or if you'd like to join us, check out the linky party at Rebekah's blog! 
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It has been a very relaxed, lazy, sick kind-a-sorta day in the Hanson home, but I did take some photos to share for the 10 on 10 photo activity! It's simple, really, take 10 photos for 10 consecutive hours on the 10th of the month to share. Mostly today I'll be highlighting our lovely fur babies.. I hope you don't mind. :)
If you'd like to join with your photos on the 10th, you can find the linky party here! :)
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Man.. I so forgot to do this in April... and I did it in May, and am once again late putting it up. But, it's done, and here are my photos! 

The concept is easy, 10 photos taken in 10 consecutive hours on the 10th of the month. Since this was a working day for me, it wasn't so simple, but I did what I could. I hope you enjoy the photos of my day! 
I decided to make a chocolate pudding pie for lunch - dessert.
Our ride has arrived!
Lunch to accompany the pie. :)
Where the magic happens!
Ooops! Oh well, it still tasted great!
Mama had a rough day, so I got her these on the way home!
And that's all, folks! 

If you'd like to join us in June, please check out the official site here. 
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I know, I'm late... it's been a hectic week! Here are my photos from last Saturday's 10 on 10. I hope you enjoy them. :)
I want to buy them all!!!!!!
If you would like more information on 10 on 10, or would like to join us, you can come check it out here
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Thank you for joining me for this month's 10 on 10. The concept is easy, 10 photos for 10 consecutive hours on the 10th of the month. If you'd like to join, you can check out the main website here: 
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Happy New Year! I know.. I've been a bad blogger, and haven't posted much. Thankfully, I believe that I will turn things around this year, and that I will be better at blogging, along with many other aspects of my life! 

I'm always excited to do this 10 on 10 project, but even through my excitement, I forgot to do it last month... I am happy to say I 'm back! So, the concept is easy, take 10 photos for 10 hours on the 10th of the month. If you're interested in joining, you can check it out here: 

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So, here we go... My 10 photos. :)
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Going shopping over in Maine with Dad. :)
Yes, yes.. this is where we buy our groceries.
All finished! 
Reading, while I wait for Dad to finish up.
Visiting with Grammy after getting some things for her at Wal-Mart. 
It's snowing as we get ready to head out again. 
Still reading... I got this for Christmas. It's a great book. 
Skipped lunch, so had a late snack of yogurt!! 
Thank you for stopping by! I will be back very soon with more updates on what's going in with Derek and I! 
Well, it's my first 10 on 10 for this blog. I used to do it, while we were in Korea, and you can find them here. I was looking forward to it all week, and then, wouldn't you know, come Thursday, I was being a cranky pants and forgot all about it, until it was too late to really capture 10 photos for the day. So, I will share some of the photos of my week with you, I hope you don't mind. Next time, I will be smart and put a reminder on my Galaxy Tab. Please enjoy the photos! 
Nap time... okay, let's face it. All day, every day is nap time, but that's the life of a cat! :)
Jingles is picking out his favorites at Bath & Body Works!
Mulit-tasking galore... watching Gilmore Girls, and searching for, writing out recipes for a Christmas gift.
I made nachos for supper... They were yummy, but I'm not sure mom & dad were a fan. :)
Is it bedtime yet?
And.. it is finished!
That's it for November! I am not a fan of these small photos. I will definitely have to look into fixing that problem.

Thank you for stopping by! Here's to next month. :)

    About Me, Jennifer

    I am a 30-something year old wife, daughter, sister and aunt from small town New Brunswick, Canada. I have spent most of my life dreaming about being away from the small town life, but have recently found myself coming home with a brand new perspective, and appreciation for what this life has to offer. Please join me as I share some of my journey home, as well as share how things are going each day in our life. It will certainly be a fun journey, perhaps a little sad, and most likely very exciting once we are able to see how Amazing God's love is, and how He has worked in some wonderful ways in our life. 


    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012
    November 2011


    10 On 10
    Lessons From Work
    Osteo Arthritis
    The Photo Challenge